Soul Circles, Death Cafe’s and Community Gatherings
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Dying Well Retreats
If the only 2 certainties in life are death and taxes, why are we so ill equipped to die? At Dying Well Retreats, we invite you to not only prepare for death spiritually, emotionally, and holistically, we encourage you to celebrate death by honoring your life and the true essence of your soul. Through your choice of a 3 or 5 Day Retreat, we disrupt traditional notions surrounding dying from a post-death paradigm that focuses on talking about the deceased at wakes & funerals after their departure to a pre-death model that invites the dying individual into the center of the circle- surrounded by family & friends who celebrate and honor life in the midst of their loved one’s presence.
Each Dying Well Retreat is customized to meet the dying person’s needs & wishes. You can include family & friends at your retreat, or choose to embark on this sacred journey in solitude. We will include elements from the following four key components as the building blocks of your experience:
1. Remembering
2. Ritualizing
3. Releasing
4. Rejoicing
In the Remembering phase of the retreat, you will recall your own personal story and commemorate your life through healing arts, writing, and visual modalities. During the Ritualizing, you will participate in Blessing, Journeying, and Acceptance Rituals that will enable you to embrace the unknown and find peace in the midst of this soul transition. An integral part of moving beyond acceptance is Releasing that which holds you bound to this time and space. You will take part in meditations seeking deep forgiveness of self and others, spiritual counseling to name, acknowledge and release your blocks (including fear), and healing to clear energy that no longer serves the soul. The culmination of your Dying Well Retreat is Rejoicing and celebrating you, your soul’s journey, and the impending rebirth of your soul.
During the retreat, parallel programs are offered for family & friends as they accompany you in your experience of dying well. Sessions help loved ones understand death in new ways through meditations, grief work, and life celebrations. Some of the Remembering, Ritualizing, Releasing, and Rejoicing components in the dying person’s retreat may include their loved ones. Additionally, there is ample time to enjoy the tranquil beauty of Martha’s Vineyard including experiencing the healing energy of our alpacas, marveling at the miles of majestic coastline, relaxing by our lotus pond, or enjoying a nature walk on any number of local trails.
At Soul Celebration Sanctuary, we are intentional about what death says about your life. Participating in a Dying Well Retreat enables you to honor both life and death by embracing the transition of your soul. Transform death by being fully present as you transition by Remembering, Ritualizing, Releasing, & Rejoicing in this phase in your journey. Post-Retreat spiritual counseling and support are also available via phone, Skype, or through on-site Death Doula services.

Living Well Retreats
Identify opportunities for growth, transformation, and rebirth. Do you ever feel like you are living your life just going through the motions? Do you long to connect with your true soul purpose and identify with something greater than yourself? At Soul Celebration Sanctuary & Healing Community we are committed to helping you tap into your core reason for being, and beginning anew the journey toward Soul-Actualization: becoming the highest version of yourself you were created to be.
In our tranquil and soul inspiring sanctuary, you are invited to explore the deepest yearnings of your soul, and rediscover the passions that lie dormant within; recreating the life and the dreams you were born to manifest. Through 3 and 5 Day Living Well Retreats (and 1 Day Living Well Lite Workshops) you are nurtured, guided, stretched, and encouraged to reimagine your innate soul identity. Each Living Well Retreat uniquely reflects the needs and desires of the participants. We will include four key elements as the fundamental building blocks of your experience:
1. Reclaiming
2. Recreating
3. Reforming
4. Renewing
We begin by Reclaiming who you are and whose you are. Through Inner Child Meditations, Guided Visualizations, and the Development of Soul Purpose Maps, you will recall and reignite the passions and gifts of your youth. Through this process you will give new energy to remembering who you were before the expectations, demands, and surrender to everyday living detoured your dreams from possible to settling for practical.
During the Recreating phase of our Living Well Retreats, you will engage in Spirit Arts to re-embody your reclaimed visions and manifest a new life. Using SoulCollage®, Movement, Dance, Energetic Recalibration, Healing, Fiber Arts, and other Creative Modalities, you will experience a rebirth of body, mind, and spirit as you release the limitations that confine you to a life of complacency; and step into the possibility of all you are called to be.
As you move into your journey of Reforming, you shift into a new way of being and doing. Utilizing the wisdom and experiences garnered during Reclaiming and Recreating, you immerse Self in the development of your own individual Soul Statement: your reason for being; the mission only you- and you alone- are called to achieve. Through Spiritual Counseling, Affirmation Exercises, and Visualization, you recommit your time, talents, and life to achieving your sacred soul purpose.
The culmination of your Living Well experience is Renewing yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually so you are well equipped to step fully into your Reclaimed, Recreated, and Reformed life calling. Through Nature Walks, Alpaca Encounters, Chanting, Beach Excursions, and Bodywork, you will reenergize and holistically recharge body, mind, and spirit to confidently embrace the exciting journey ahead. Finally, you will participate in a powerful Living Well Sacred Ritual where you are affirmed, honored, blessed, and anointed to achieve your soul purpose.