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Spiritual Counseling, Healing Arts, Animal Assisted Therapy & Rituals
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Spiritual Counseling Sessions
Within each of us lies a reservoir of truth & deep wisdom. Spiritual counseling helps cultivate connection to Source and to our soul awakening. The answer to every question- whether it be relational, vocational or aspirational- can be found within. Through spiritual counseling sessions, you are guided to uncover, recover, and discover who you are- at your core essence- as you are supported in making decisions that facilitate the ultimate transformation of your soul. The Divine speaks to each of us in different ways. Spiritual counseling clarifies our capacity to listen and to be led by a Source greater than self- however we may conceive Higher Power to present itself in our lives. Engage in spiritual counseling and intentionally embark on your own spiritual journey, and learn to live from a more soul-centered space. See yourself through the eyes of Divine love and fully embrace & be the soul you were created to be. Sessions can be held in person or via Zoom, Skype, or phone.

Healing Arts
The mission of Soul Celebration Sanctuary is to guide those in transition toward transformation by connecting with Self, Source, and Sacred Purpose. There is no better way to engage that process than through the Healing Arts. At Soul Celebration, inspiration and the journey toward deep spiritual wisdom are found through participation in workshops and classes incorporating modalities such as Soul Collage®, Spirit Art and Fiber Arts.
Soul Collage® utilizes the creation of images to depict sacred reflections as aspects of self, and celebrates spiritual influences of community, companions, and divine council. Each Soul Collage® card represents a different energy or neter, and provides valuable inner wisdom and a pictorial embodiment of intuition and inner knowing. Soul Collage® provides insight and guidance through card readings, journaling, and soul searching. Experience profound soul connection through Soul Collage®. Below are some samples from founder Mary Beth Daniels personal deck.
Spirit Art enables individuals to tap into wells of the unconscious by using paintbrush as an extension of the soul. Through watercolor, oils, pastels, pencils and charcoals, among others, capture the essence of your creative self and connection to creation. Media and facilitators vary but this form of Healing Arts is about discovering your own unique form of soul expression rather than replicating the style or form of another.
Soul Celebration’s community of alpaca companions provides a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and splendor of the tactile and textile gift of Fiber Arts. Using fleece from our beloved herd of alpacas, learn to skirt, clean, spin, felt, and knit with this exquisite fiber. Alpaca fleece is 7 times warmer than wool, is as soft as cashmere, and hypoallergenic since it contains no lanolin. Meet and interact with the individual animal who provides each natural and Martha’s Vineyard exclusive fiber, and while doing so, connect with the spirit & energy of alpaca as well as with their fleece. Classes vary by time of year.

Animal Assisted Therapy
Alpacas are soul companions that accompany us on the spiritual journey… inviting us to embrace the sanctity of being. As we enter into relationship with our alpaca friends, we truly transform our soul experience from a solitary pursuit to inter-connectedness with all of creation. Alpacas and humans share a powerful bond that is ritualized and honored at Soul Celebration. Alpacas, originally from South America, are the expression of Pachamama- Mother of the Earth. As spiritual guides, alpacas show us how to get along with others and live peacefully in community. In collaboration with The Farm at Lotus Pond, you are welcomed to come spend time on this sacred land with these spiritual animals and participate in animal-assisted therapy and alpaca walks. Explore soul through connection with the spirit & nature of alpaca.

Rituals & Ceremonies
Commemorating the milestone moments of life and of death is the greatest blessing of my ministry. From Customized Wedding Ceremonies & Commitments to Personalized Funeral Services & Memorials to Baby Namings, House Blessings, Adoptions, Transitions, and Coming of Age Rituals, I welcome the opportunity to come alongside you and your loved ones to create a ceremony that is uniquely reflective of who you are; one that celebrates the values and traditions of your spiritual journey. Creating ritual is an art; one that provides a magical and mysterious moment, an invitation for profound individual as well as communal growth and transformation. I am committed to deeply listening to your vision, and to working together to shape a sacred space and ceremony that honors the soul essence of you, while celebrating the beauty of your special day!